Calliope Rare Muscat


Winery: Buller

Region: Rutherglen

Variety: Muscat

Wine Type: Fortified

Price Guide: $276



Buller Calliope Rare Muscat is an internationally acclaimed Rutherglen fortified. It draws from the winery's Calliope Vineyard, first planted in 1921 by Reginald Langdon Buller.

Like Rutherglen itself, Buller is famous for its fortified wines. The solera in which this wine develops is constantly monitored to ensure consistency. Less than 1,000 bottles of the wine are released each year, all individually numbered.

Calliope Rare Muscat is rare by name and by nature. It is classified at the highest tier of the official Winemakers of Rutherglen classification system, reserved for the richest, most developed parcels of wine.

The wine is blended to an average age of around 40 years.

Deep amber, Buller Calliope Rare Muscat has long and intense flavours of dried fruit, Christmas cake and rancio. Fully matured, this wine is made for immediate enjoyment.

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